Gta Sa Ped Spawner

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  1. Gta Sa Ped Spawner Cleo 4
  2. Gta San Andreas Simplified Ped Spawner
SA Limit Adjuster
Current version:Alpha 8 (Alpha 9) (!)
Developed by:Sacky
Supported games:GTA SA
Gta sa ped spawner

SA Limit Adjuster is a tool created by Sacky that can let you control the upper limits the game has created and other settings that is cool to fool around with. The latest version is Alpha 8 (apparently Alpha 9 in the settings file) and is probably the last version ever made.


Copy all the files from the SA_Limit_Adjuster folder into your GTA: San Andreas directory folder.


SectionItemDefault ValueDescription
DYNAMIC LIMITSBuilding13000increase this limit to map more static objects
Dummys2500increase this limit to map more static objects
PtrNode Doubles3200increase this limit to map more static objects
IPL Files256increase this limit to map more static objects
Stunt Jumps256Maximum number of stunt jumps allowed
ColModels10150Maximum number of defined collision models allowed
Collision Files255Maximum number of collision files allowed. One collision file can hold multiple collision models
Vehicles110Maximum number of vehicles that is allowed to be created through the mission script files
Vehicle Structs50Maximum number of vehicle models that is allowed to be loaded through the mission script files
Peds140Maximum number of peds that is allowed to be created through the mission script files
Polygons5000Maximum number of polygons a model is allowed to have
PtrNode Singles70000
Objects350Maximum number of dynamic objects that is allowed to be defined
Point Routes64
Patrol Routes32
Node Routes64
Ped Attractors64
Entry Exits400Maximum number of ENEX entries that is allowed to be created through the IPL files
Streaming Memory50Streaming memory in MB (For static and dynamic map objects)
Streaming Vehicles22Streaming memory in MB (For vehicles)
IMG Headers5000
STATIC LIMITSTimed Objects227Maximum number of tobjs allowed to be defined in the IDE files
Vehicle Models212Maximum number of entries allowed to be defined in the vehicles.ide file
Ped Models278The number of ped models defined in ped.ide
IDEs14000Maximum number of IDE entires allowed in the IDE files
CarMods70The number of carmods defined in carmod.dat-file
Water Planes1021Maximum number of water planes allowed to be created
CarCols128Maximum number of car colors allowed to be defined in the carcols.dat file
Current Mission69000Maximum limit in bytes allowed in the mission section of the main.scm
SCM Locals1024Number of local variables which can be used in main.scm
SCM Threads96Threads which can be created in a script
Weapon IDs47Number of weapons
Aiming Offsets21
Weapon Objects51
Map Bounds12000.0The boundaries in which you can place objects. The center of the map is (0;0). Divide this value by 2 to get the distance how far you can go away from this point.
LOD Distance300.0The distance of objects which should have an collision (Usually objects with an LOD value greater than 300 will have no collision)
Markers175Maximum number of markers allowed to be created during gameplay
Garages50Maximum number of garages that is allowed to be defined in the IPL files
Pickups620Maximum number of pickups that is allowed to be created during gameplay
Players8The number of player structures allocated.
SCM Block200000Maximum limit in bytes allowed in the MAIN section of the main.scm
Vehicle Structs788
FILESgta_sa.setgta_sa.setDirects the game to load this file (needs paths relative to the GTA directory folder)
COLOURSAll colors are in RGBA format
Health BarB4191DFFHealth bar color (and anything red like enemy markers, etc.)
Money Font36682CFFThe color of the cash label
Title MenuACCBF1FFThe main color of the letters in the main menu.
Title Menu Border000000FFThe color of the border of the letters in the main menu
Wanted Level906210FFThe color of the wanted-stars.
Radio Station969696FFThe color of the letters which are shown when changing the radio station in a car
MODELSCopCar 1599Countryside cop car
CopCar 2596Los Santos cop car
CopCar 3597San Fierro cop car
CopCar 4598Las Venturas cop car
CopCar 5523Police motorcycle
CopPed 1283Countryside cop
CopPed 2280Los Santos cop
CopPed 3281San Fierro cop
CopPed 4282Las Venturas cop
CopPed 5284Motorcycle cop
Ambulance 1416Supposedly Los Santos Ambulance
Ambulance 2416Supposedly San Fierro Ambulance
Ambulance 3416Supposedly Las Venturas Ambulance
Medic 1274Los Santos paramedic
Medic 2276San Fierro paramedic
Medic 3275Las Venturas paramedic
Firetruck 1407Supposedly Los Santos FIretruck
Firetruck 2407Supposedly San Fierro FIretruck
Firetruck 3407Supposedly Las Venturas FIretruck
Fireman 1277Los Santos fireman
Fireman 2279San Fierro fireman
Fireman 3278Las Venturas fireman
TaxiDriver 1262A cap driver
TaxiDriver 2261'
TaxiDriver 3220'
TaxiDriver 4234'
TaxiDriver 5182'
TaxiDriver 6206'
Enforcer Replacement427The cop truck model id
SWAT Ped Replacement285The id of the swat ped model
FBI Rancher Replacement427The id of the FBI rancher vehicle model
FBI Ped Replacement286The id of the FPI ped model
Rhino Replacement432The id of the tank vehicle model
Barracks Replacement433The id of the army truck vehicle model
Army Ped Replacement287The id of the soldier ped model
Police Maverick Replacement497The id of the police helicopter vehicle model
SAN Maverick Replacement488The id of the San Andreas News helicopter vehicle model
Police Weapon 13Nitestick
Police Weapon 222Pistol
SWAT Weapon28Micro SMG
FBI Weapon29MP5
Army Weapon31M4
GRAPHICSPed Dynamic Shadows1Ped's dynamic shadow at high or very high visual FX quality
Map Dynamic Shadows1Map's and car's dynamic shadow at medium or higher visual FX quality
License Plate Texture Filtering1
Texture Filter 12
Texture Filter Min3
Texture Filter Max2
Shadow Wrapper 13
Shadow Wrapper 210
Diffuse Texture Wrap1
Alpha Blend6
Object/Vehicle Shadow Cull4
Character Shadow Max Size128
Character Shadow Min Size64
Vehicle Vertex Alpha1
Vehicle UV Ref Flags17
Vehicle Texture Trans Flags259
Vehicle Lighting1.0Intensity of vehicle's headlights and taillights
Stencil Shaded Opacity6Map's and car's dynamic shadow opacity
Cloud1 Height200.0High-altitude cloud's height in units
Cloud2 Height200.0High-altitude cloud's height in units
Zone Text1Show zone's text when entering a zone
Vertgio1Motion blur effect
Speed Limiter1
Heat Haze1Heat haze effect
Max AI Vehicles85Maximum number of npc vehicles creatable by a script
Max AI Peds25Maximum number of npc actors createable by a script
Ped Density1.0The density multiplier for npc actors. This can be overwritten by a script
Vehicle Density1.0The density multiplier for npc cars. This can be overwritten by a script.
Law Vehicles1
Time Format%02d:%02dThe format of the time label (in C format)
Time Position X0.0015625The X-coord of the position of the time label
Time Position Y0.002232142957The Y-coord of the position of the time label
Weapon Ammo Format%d-%dThe format of the weapon ammo label
Enable Ads0Disables ads seen when loading the game
Window NameGTA: San AndreasThe name of the application running
Windowed0Starts the game in full screen or windowed mode
  1. It is not just a ped spawner as instead of using the menu stuff you can also get peds from off the street. Press 4 to call a ped. Will not 'generally' call male peds but that's a different story, literally. Press 5 to call nearby gang members who are not already in a group.
  2. GTA San Andreas Mods. Building Mods (179) CLEO 3 Mods (455). Greater Ped and vehicle visibility. Alternative Car Spawner v1.1.
  3. Here it is, yet another spawner script. This script allows you to spawn vehicles and peds alike. Not only can you spawn vehicles, and peds, you can also spawn various objects and also alter them in different ways upon spawning them. Now you can also spawn pickups! Some of the ways you can alter peds is by giving them different tasks. Those tasks include: - Stand Still: Spawns the.

Tsunami, Dyom, Spiderman Mod, Zombies, Sharks, Car Spawner, Hot Coffee, Skin Selector and more Cleo Mods! Check these best mods for gta.Best GTA San Andreas mods ever made since the beginning of GTA SA modding. In this video I featured mods like Superman, Gravity Gun, Surfing mod,.GTA SA Android Mods! IronMan Mod, First Person, Skin Selector, Fly Cheat, Tsunami Mod, Car Spawner. GTA San Andreas Mods. Building Mods (179) CLEO 3 Mods (455) GGM Mods (28) Map Mods (156). Greater Ped and vehicle visibility by TGToby Cool Parkour Mod by thenaviniko. Alternative Car Spawner v1.1 by Boxfactory Time Stopper.

See also

External links

  • GTAForums: Release topic
v · d · e
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
File Formats.b • .col • .cfg • .cut • .dff • .dat • .fxp • .gxt • .ide • .ifp • .img • .ipl • nodes*.dat • .ped • .rep • .rrr • .scm • .set • .txd
DocumentationAudio • Cryptography • Cutscenes • Game memory • Handling.cfg • Map Listing • Mission Packs • Opcodes • Paths • Replays • Saves • Scripts • Sound Effects • Statistics • Vehicles • Wanted levels
ToolsCLEO • Collision File Editor II • ENBSeries • G-Tools • IMG Tool • Limit Adjuster • Map Editor • Mod Loader • San Andreas Audio Toolkit • Sanny Builder • TXD Workshop • Magic.TXD
TutorialsSan Andreas v2.0 Modding • How to create a mission • How to create a script • How to use Map Editor • Vehicle Mod Installation
ModificationsDesign Your Own Mission • Gostown Paradise • GTA: United • Myriad Islands
MultiplayergtaTournament • Multi Theft Auto • San Andreas Multiplayer • (more..)
Useful linksCommunity Portal • Discussion Forums • Modding Forums • Mods on • Mobile Modding • Opcodes Database
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Spawning a ped (also called character or actor) is not as simple as inserting one line. There are steps that need to be taken in order to successfully spawn a ped. This tutorial will show you the basic steps of spawning a ped using a format used in Sanny Builder. These examples are for San Andreas but with minor tweaks can be used for GTA III and Vice City.

  • 3Create your ped

Create your script

First, create a script. Here is an example:

Load your model

It is very important that the model of your ped has been loaded into the game. If your create a ped with an unavailable model, the game will crash. You can find a list of all peds available to use in the default.ide file for GTA III and Vice City or the peds.ide file for San Andreas. The script uses the ped's IDE number but Sanny Builder supports using the ped's model name with a hash character. Let's try the first ped in the list, BFORI.

Gta Sa Ped Spawner Cleo 4


An alternative way to load the models involves more code but the game would not pause for the models to load like the code above. It uses an IF statement with the conditional opcode 0248.

There are some ped-spawning opcodes that do not require the ped's model to be explicitly loaded. See below for more information.

Create your ped

Gta San Andreas Simplified Ped Spawner


Now you can use the primary opcode to create a ped: 009A. The opcode includes the ped's pedtype and the coordinate to spawn the ped. Sanny Builder has a built-in coordinates tool. Go to Tools>IDE Tools>Coords manager.. or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+1 while the game is running. This will show the current position of your player character.

Other opcodes

There are other opcodes that also spawn a ped in different situations, including:

  • 0129, creates a ped as a driver in a vehicle.
  • 01C8, creates a ped as a passenger in a vehicle.

There are opcodes that can spawn a random ped without the need to request the model of the ped.

  • 0376, creates a random ped.
  • 0560, creates a random ped as a driver in a vehicle.
  • 0561, creates a random ped as a passenger in a vehicle.

Ped type limitation

Some pedtypes are limited to be compatible to specific models or else the game may crash.

  • Pedtype 6 can only be used with models between 0 and 4 (#null, #cop, #swat, #fbi, #army).
  • Pedtype 16 can only be used with model 5 (#medic).
  • Pedtype 17 can only be used with model 6 (#fireman).

Release your model

After the ped is created and the model is no longer needed, release it using opcode 0249.

Set your ped

You can now add settings and attributes to your ped, like rotating your ped or adding animations to your ped. The variable[email protected] is the handle of your ped, like an identifier. Use this variable when using opcodes specific to your ped. You can search these opcodes by using Sanny Builder's Opcode Search Tool. Go to Tools>IDE Tools>Opcode Search.. or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+2. Then type actor in the search box to find a list of named opcodes related to it. Ctoni 2 sample report. When you no longer need the ped, mark it as no longer needed using opcode 01C2 so that the game can remove the ped for you.

Full example

External links

Gta Sa Ped Spawner
  • Screenshots of all ped models in GTA III
  • Screenshots of all ped models in Vice City
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