Guru Granth Sahib Translation

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lµgru clY gur sbid hir qoit n AwvI KtIAY ] (967-1)
langar chalai gur sabad har tot na aavee khatee-ai.
The Langar - the Kitchen of the Guru's Shabad has been opened, and its supplies never run short.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib English And Punjabi Translation - Vol. This is a Gurmukhi (Punjabi) and English translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

  1. Gurmukhi to English Translation and Phonetic Transliteration of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Translation Text by Singh Sahib Sant Singh Khalsa, MD. Tucson, Arizona, USA.
  2. Guru Granth Sahib ਵਿਦਿਆ ਵੀਚਾਰੀ ਤਾਂ ਪਰਉਪਕਾਰੀ ਜਾਂ ਪੰਚ ਰਾਸੀ ਤਾਂ ਤੀਰਥ ਵਾਸੀ Contemplate and reflect upon knowledge, and you shall become a benefactor to others. When you conquer the five passions (lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego), then you shall become pure and pious like a sacred shrine of pilgrimage.
  3. This shabad Prabhaathee Mehalaa 1 is by in Raag on Ang 1343of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
  4. Gurmukhi to English Translation and Phonetic Transliteration of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Translation Text by Singh Sahib Sant Singh Khalsa, MD. Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Krcy idiq KsMm dI Awp KhdI KYir dbtIAY ] (967-2)
kharchay ditkhasamm dee aap khahdee khair dabtee-ai.
Whatever His Master gave, He spent; He distributed it all to be eaten.

hovY isPiq KsMm dI nUru Arshu kurshu JtIAY ] (967-2)
hovai sifatkhasamm dee noor arsahu kursahu jhatee-ai.
The Praises of the Master were sung, and the Divine Light descended from the heavens to the earth.

quDu ifTy scy pwiqswh mlu jnm jnm dI ktIAY ] (967-3)
tuDh dithay sachay paatisaah mal janam janam dee katee-ai.
Gazing upon You, O True King, the filth of countless past lives is washed away.

scu ij guir PurmwieAw ikau eydU bolhu htIAY ] (967-3)
sach je gur furmaa-i-aa ki-o aydoo bolhu hatee-ai.
The Guru gave the True Command; why should we hesitate to proclaim this?

Guru Granth Sahib Online

puqRI kaulu n pwilE kir pIrhu kMn@ murtIAY ] (967-4)
putree ka-ul na paali-o kar peerahu kanH murtee-ai.
His sons did not obey His Word; they turned their backs on Him as Guru.

idil KotY AwkI iPrin@ bMin@ Bwru aucwiein@ CtIAY ] (967-4)
dil khotai aakee firniH baneh bhaar uchaa-iniHchhatee-ai.
These evil-hearted ones became rebellious; they carry loads of sin on their backs.

ijin AwKI soeI kry ijin kIqI iqnY QtIAY ] (967-5)
jin aakhee so-ee karay jin keetee tinai thatee-ai.
Whatever the Guru said, Lehna did, and so he was installed on the throne.

kauxu hwry ikin auvtIAY ]2] (967-5)
ka-un haaray kin uvtee-ai. 2
Who has lost, and who has won? 2

ijin kIqI so mMnxw ko swlu ijvwhy swlI ] (967-5)
jin keetee so mannnaa ko saal jivaahay saalee.
He who did the work, is accepted as Guru; so which is better - the thistle or the rice?

Drm rwie hY dyvqw lY glw kry dlwlI ] (967-6)
Dharam raa-ay hai dayvtaa lai galaa karay dalaalee.
The Righteous Judge of Dharma considered the arguments and made the decision.

siqguru AwKY scw kry sw bwq hovY drhwlI ] (967-6)
satgur aakhai sachaa karay saa baat hovai darhaalee.
Whatever the True Guru says, the True Lord does; it comes to pass instantaneously.

gur AMgd dI dohI iPrI scu krqY bMiD bhwlI ] (967-7)
gur angaddee dohee firee sach kartai banDh bahaalee.
Guru Angad was proclaimed, and the True Creator confirmed it.

nwnku kwieAw pltu kir mil qKqu bYTw sY fwlI ] (967-7)
naanak kaa-i-aa palat kar mal takhat baithaa sai daalee.
Nanak merely changed his body; He still sits on the throne, with hundreds of branches reaching out.

dru syvy aumiq KVI msklY hoie jMgwlI ] (967-8)
dar sayvay umatkharhee maskalai ho-ay jangaalee.
Standing at His door, His followers serve Him; by this service, their rust is scraped off.

dir drvysu KsMm dY nwie scY bwxI lwlI ] (967-8)
dar darvays khasamm dai naa-ay sachai banee laalee.
He is the Dervish - the Saint, at the door of His Lord and Master; He loves the True Name, and the Bani of the Guru's Word.

blvMf KIvI nyk jn ijsu bhuqI Cwau pqRwlI ] (967-9)
balvand kheevee nayk jan jis bahutee chhaa-o patraalee.
Balwand says that Khivi, the Guru's wife, is a noble woman, who gives soothing, leafy shade to all.

lµgir dauliq vMfIAY rsu AMimRqu KIir iGAwlI ] (967-9)
langar da-ulat vandee-ai ras amritkheer ghi-aalee.
She distributes the bounty of the Guru's Langar; the kheer - the rice pudding and ghee, is like sweet ambrosia.

gurisKw ky muK aujly mnmuK QIey prwlI ] (967-10)
gursikhaa kay mukh ujlay manmukh thee-ay paraalee.
The faces of the Guru's Sikhs are radiant and bright; the self-willed manmukhs are pale, like straw.

pey kbUlu KsMm nwil jW Gwl mrdI GwlI ] (967-10)
pa-ay kabool khasamm naal jaaNghaal mardee ghaalee.
The Master gave His approval, when Angad exerted Himself heroically.

mwqw KIvI shu soie ijin goie auTwlI ]3] (967-11)
maataa kheevee saho so-ay jin go-ay uthaalee. 3
Such is the Husband of mother Khivi; He sustains the world. 3

hoirNE gMg vhweIAY duinAweI AwKY ik ikEnu ] (967-11)
horiN-o gang vahaa-ee-ai duni-aa-ee aakhai ke ki-on.
It is as if the Guru made the Ganges flow in the opposite direction, and the world wonders: what has he done?

nwnk eIsir jgnwiQ auchdI vYxu ivirikEnu ] (967-12)
naanak eesar jagnaath uchhadee vain viriki-on.
Nanak, the Lord, the Lord of the World, spoke the words out loud.

mwDwxw prbqu kir nyiqR bwsku sbid irVikEnu ] (967-12)
maaDhaanaa parbat kar naitar baasak sabad rirhki-on.
Making the mountain his churning stick, and the snake-king his churning string, He has churned the Word of the Shabad.

caudh rqn inkwilAnu kir Awvw gauxu iclikEnu ] (967-13)
cha-odah ratan nikaali-an kar aavaa ga-on chilki-on.
From it, He extracted the fourteen jewels, and illuminated the world.

kudriq Aih vyKwlIAnu ijix AYvf ipf iTxikEnu ] (967-14)
kudrat ah vaykhaali-an jin aivad pid thinki-on.
He revealed such creative power, and touched such greatness.


lhxy DirEnu CqRü isir Asmwin ikAwVw iCikEnu ] (967-14)
lahnay Dhari-on chhatar sir asmaan ki-aarhaa chhiki-on.
He raised the royal canopy to wave over the head of Lehna, and raised His glory to the skies.

joiq smwxI joiq mwih Awpu AwpY syqI imikEnu ] (967-15)
jot samaanee jot maahi aap aapai saytee miki-on.
His Light merged into the Light, and He blended Him into Himself.

isKW puqRW GoiK kY sB aumiq vyKhu ij ikEnu ] (967-15)
sikhaaN putraaNghokh kai sabh umat vaykhhu je ki-on.
Guru Nanak tested His Sikhs and His sons, and everyone saw what happened.

jW suDosu qW lhxw itikEnu ]4] (967-16)
jaaN suDhos taaN lahnaa tiki-on. 4
When Lehna alone was found to be pure, then He was set on the throne. 4

Pyir vswieAw PyruAwix siqguir KwfUru ] (967-16)
fayr vasaa-i-aa faru-aan satgur khaadoor.
Then, the True Guru, the son of Pheru, came to dwell at Khadoor.

jpu qpu sMjmu nwil quDu horu mucu grUru ] (967-17)
jap tap sanjam naal tuDh hor much garoor.
Meditation, austerities and self-discipline rest with You, while the others are filled with excessive pride.

lbu ivxwhy mwxsw ijau pwxI bUru ] (967-17)
lab vinaahay maansaa ji-o paanee boor.
Greed ruins mankind, like the green algae in the water.

virHAY drgh gurU kI kudrqI nUru ] (967-17)
varHi-ai dargeh guroo kee kudratee noor.
In the Guru's Court, the Divine Light shines in its creative power.

ijqu su hwQ n lBeI qUM Ehu TrUru ] (967-18)
jit so haath na labh-ee tooN oh tharoor.
You are the cooling peace, whose depth cannot be found.

nau iniD nwmu inDwnu hY quDu ivic BrpUru ] (967-18)
na-o niDh naam niDhaan hai tuDh vich bharpoor.
You are overflowing with the nine treasures, and the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

inMdw qyrI jo kry so vMY cUru ] (967-19)
nindaa tayree jo karay so vanjai choor.
Whoever slanders You will be totally ruined and destroyed.

nyVY idsY mwq lok quDu suJY dUru ] (967-19)
nayrhai disai maat lok tuDh sujhai door.
People of the world can see only what is near at hand, but You can see far beyond.

Guru Granth Sahib Translation Audio

Guru Granth Sahib Translation

Pyir vswieAw PyruAwix siqguir KwfUru ]5] (967-19)
fayr vasaa-i-aa faru-aan satgur khaadoor. 5
Then the True Guru, the son of Pheru, came to dwell at Khadoor. 5

Upadated on: July 2006. Previously updated on: March 2002. Orginal creation date: August 2000.



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