Aes File Encryption

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Each single time I encrypt a file, I call the KDF (with a high count value), which is highly unefficient! A better solution would be: call the KDF only once (with nonce1), and then for each file do nonce2 =;, AES.MODEGCM, nonce=nonce2).encryptanddigest(filecontent). The FileEncrypt method will generate a file in the same directory of the original file with the aes extension (e.g wordFileExample.doc).

C# Aes Encryption File Example

EncryptOnClick is a free AES encryption software for Windows. AES files are useful for protecting sensitive personal and business documents. AES Crypt users often encrypt documents and send them via email. When AES Crypt creates an encrypted file, it append the '.aes' extension to the filename. The output file is generated by including the encrypted AES key at the beginning of the file, followed by the initialization vector (IV) and finally the file data encrypted by AES. This way, just the output file can be delivered to the receiver, instead of the three separate components.

“The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • Conclusion

1. Introduction

In the previous part of this article, we covered the use of RSA for file encryption and decryption in java. Using RSA directly for file encryption will not work since it can only be used with small buffer sizes. In our particular case, with an RSA key size of 2048 bits, we ran into a limitation of a maximum of 245 bytes for the data size.

The solution for this limitation is to use a symmetric algorithm such as AES for encryption while using RSA for encrypting the AES secret key itself. When using AES for encryption, the initialization vector (IV) also needs to be communicated to the receiver for being able to decrypt the message. The entire process of using AES for encryption is covered in detail in this article here.

In the current case, we will generate an AES key, use the AES key for encrypting the file, and use RSA for encrypting the AES key. The output file is generated by including the encrypted AES key at the beginning of the file, followed by the initialization vector (IV) and finally the file data encrypted by AES. This way, just the output file can be delivered to the receiver, instead of the three separate components.

[Note: Check out how to use AES for file encryption and decryption in python.]

2. Java Imports

These are the required java imports for the implementation

3. Generating the AES Key

Andersson r1 manual pdf download. First step is to generate the AES key which will be used for the encryption. We generate a key of size 128 bits.

We also need the initialization vector of the same size as the key, which we generate as follows (along with the required IvParameterSpec):

4. Loading the RSA Private Key

Load the RSA private key from file using the appropriate class.

5. Save the AES Key

As mentioned above, the first part of the output file contains the encrypted AES key. For encryption, we use the Cipher class with the RSA private key and save it as follows:

6. Write the Initialization Vector

The initialization vector is next written to the output file. This is required for decryption using the AES key.

7. Encrypting the File Contents using the AES Key

The final step is to encrypt the contents of the file using the AES and write it to the output file.

Close the output file and send it to the receiver.

8. Decrypting the File using the RSA Public Key

Since the private key has been used for encryption, the public key can be used for decrypting the file contents. Remember that the file includes the AES key encrypted with the RSA private key at the beginning followed by the initialization vector, and the encrypted file data itself. So the decryption process has to handle all these steps in order to get at the file data.

9. Load the RSA Public Key from File

We use the following code to load the RSA public key from a file where it has been saved in binary format.

10. Load the AES Secret Key

Open the encrypted file and load the AES secret key. The AES secret key can be obtained from this data by decrypting using the RSA public key.

11. Read the Initialization Vector

Aes file encryption javascript

Next in the file is the initialization vector. Load it as follows:

12. Decrypt the File Contents

Now comes the actual decryption of the file contents using the AES secret key. The output is written into a file with the extension .ver for verification purposes.

The static method processFile() is defined as before.

At this point the whole file has been decrypted and saved. You can verify that it matches the original file contents.


Aes Encryption Code

File encryption and decryption using RSA is somewhat involved since RSA encryption has a very low limit on the data that can be encrypted. The previous part of the article covered the details. To encrypt larger quantities of data, we need to use a symmetric algorithm such as AES for encryption and RSA for encrypting the AES key itself.

And here is the source code relevant to this blog post.

Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm. AES is the industry standard as of now as it allows 128 bit, 192 bit and 256 bit encryption.Symmetric encryption is very fast as compared to asymmetric encryption and are used in systems such as database system. Following is an online tool to generate AES encrypted password and decrypt AES encrypted password. It provides two mode of encryption and decryption ECB and CBC mode. For more info on AES encryption visit this explanation on AES Encryption.

Also, you can find the sample usage screenshot below:


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Usage Guide

Any plain-text input or output that you enter or we generate is not stored on this site, this tool is provided via an HTTPS URL to ensure that text cannot be stolen.

File Encryption Review

For encryption, you can either enter the plain text, password, an image file or a .txt file that you want to encrypt. Now choose the block cipher mode of encryption. ECB(Electronic Code Book) is the simplest encryption mode and does not require IV for encryption. The input plain text will be divided into blocks and each block will be encrypted with the key provided and hence identical plain text blocks are encrypted into identical cipher text blocks. CBC mode is highly recommended and it requires IV to make each message unique. If no IV is entered then default will be used here for CBC mode and that defaults to a zero based byte[16].


The AES algorithm has a 128-bit block size, regardless of whether you key length is 256, 192 or 128 bits. When a symmetric cipher mode requires an IV, the length of the IV must be equal to the block size of the cipher. Hence, you must always use an IV of 128 bits (16 bytes) with AES.

AES provides 128 bit, 192 bit and 256 bit of secret key size for encryption. Things to remember here is if you are selecting 128 bits for encryption, then the secret key must be of 16 bits long and 24 and 32 bits for 192 and 256 bits of key size. Now you can enter the secret key accordingly. By default, the encrypted text will be base64 encoded but you have options to select the output format as HEX too.

Similarly, for image and .txt file the encrypted form will be Base64 encoded.

Below is a screenshot that shows a sample usage of this online AES encryption tool.

AES decryption has also the same process. By default it assumes the entered text be in Base64. The input can be Base64 encoded or Hex encoded image and .txt file too. And the final decrypted output will be Base64 string. If the intended output is a plain-text then, it can be decoded to plain-text in-place.

But if the intended output is an image or .txt file then you can use this tool to convert the base64 encoded output to an image.

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